Poly-Saturated Podcast Episode 3 – Jealousy and Compersion
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Episode 3 – Jealousy and Compersion In this episode we go over jealousy and compersion. We discuss how the sneaky little bastard (the J word) Jealousy is recognized and what to do with the bastard once it appears. We also talk about compurrrrsion and how compersion brings a different form of happiness into your life … Continue reading “Episode 3 – Jealousy and Compersion”
#Don’tBeaDick is what we said we were going to tagline this episode. Basically, we bounced around and explained the ways that polyamory is the polar opposite of cheating and take
Polyappery. Polyappmosphere. We’re talking apps. Especially with the new restrictions on physical interaction, technology is evolving and meeting whole new levels, catering to different needs and communities that have often
Episode 78 – Defining Expectations We, as creatures of expecting, expect expectations except when they’re expected of us. We should expect only what we’ve defined to those we expect things