Poly-Saturated Podcast Episode 15 - Traveling Poly - Part 1
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Travel-a-POLY – We wanted to kick off our Poly Holly-Days series with what turned into a 2-part episode of traveling with your whole polyamorous crew. The tips therein can be used for anyone really, but there are special things to consider when you're vacationing travel-a-poly style.
Jingle jangle your bells with us as we kick off our PolyHolidays episodes. We did a little something different in this 2 part podcast and interviewed one of our fantabulous
Societal expectations are usually just a reflection of a strange protocol we’re supposed to follow that adheres to the standards of someone else’s inner moral code. Any step outside of
Episode 3 – Jealousy and Compersion In this episode we go over jealousy and compersion. We discuss how the sneaky little bastard (the J word) Jealousy is recognized and what